A recent report shows that when illegal migrants drive around in Washington, DC, with no license plates, the police do not stop them.
An investigation shows many who acknowledged being in the US illegally and driving motorcycles without license plates, which means they are neither registered nor insured when they are making deliveries.
Virtually all motorized vehicles in the District of Columbia are required by law to be legally registered and have a license plate. Drivers are required to have insurance and a current driver’s license.
An investigative media outlet reported that DC police do not seem to be policing registration infractions after the outlet inquired into the rising number of motorized motorcycles circulating in the city without license plates.
Motorbike shops in the region have said the police ignore the illegal migrants who flout the law by riding motorcycles without proper documentation.
It was alleged in the investigation that an unnamed business helped the illegal immigrants breach the law.
According to the bike store employee, a 49cc or smaller motorbike does not need a driver’s license. The reporter was shown a drawer full of registration plates that read “49cc” after he explained that the business only sells motorcycles with 50+ cc engines.
Not knowing he was addressing journalists, the vendor said that the store places “49cc” plates on the motorcycles to hide the true engine capacity.
The majority of the dozen or so persons questioned by the media who were operating motor vehicles without license plates claimed to have come to the US illegally.
Nobody would come forward to identify themselves, and no driver, including one American citizen, had a valid license.
The illegal migrants verified that the DC police don’t enforce regulations of licenses, registrations, and insurance.
According to a spokesperson from the Metropolitan Police Department, the individuals riding the motorized motorcycles illegally were just trying their luck, according to the outlet. However, D.C. police claimed they were attempting to enhance MPD’s traffic enforcement.