Top Official Demands Chemical Castration Of 13yo’s Assailants

Italy’s Deputy Prime Minister has called for a group of migrants who allegedly raped a young Italian girl to be chemically castrated. Matteo Salvini said he plans to introduce legislative proposals to ensure rapists receive appropriate punishment, which he described as the “only cure.” Mr. Salvini made the remarks when it emerged that seven Egyptian immigrants raped a 13-year-old Italian girl in Catania, Sicily.

The migrants, aged between 15 and 19, entered Italy illegally between November 2021 and March 2023 as “unaccompanied minors,” according to Italian media. The incident allegedly occurred on January 30 when the young girl was walking in the Villa Bellini park with her boyfriend. The Egyptians forced the boyfriend to watch while they gang-raped the girl.

Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Annalisa Tardino backed Mr. Salvini’s call for castration and said it should be accompanied by sentences of life in prison. She added that the alleged rapists in the Sicily assault should be “repatriated immediately.”

The rape has prompted widespread horror across Europe and reignited debate on immigrants and the rape increases that statistically appear to accompany them. In Italy, illegal immigration has jumped by 50% since 2022, and many Italians are demanding action. Despite Prime Minister Georgia Meloni’s promises to close the border, more than 156,000 arrived in 2023 alone.

Rape figures have skyrocketed across Europe in recent years, with statistics, where available, showing that migrants have contributed significantly to the rise. According to statistics in Sweden, around 59% of rapes are committed by migrants, though some observers believe the actual figure is much higher. In Norway, police figures in 2011 found that a staggering 100% of street rapes were committed by immigrants, usually from Islamic countries.

Recent figures in the UK show that rape has increased 340% in just ten years, causing more alarm in a country already plagued by rape-gang scandals dating back decades and usually involving migrant men or second or third-generation immigrants.