For centuries, America has been looked to by the rest of the western world (and even by individuals in other countries outside of it) as a beacon of prosperity and opportunity. Historically speaking, there has been no better place to live than the United States. Sadly, though, the modern state of affairs in the country is markedly different. The national culture that had produced such advancements and achievements and fostered and preserved by generations of Americans for centuries has seriously declined over the last several decades. Social cohesion in individual communities across the country has decreased, and the civic knowledge of Americans has also notably dwindled.
When a nation does not understand or value its history, the identity of the people eventually will cease to exist in its historic form. America’s cultural decline has been evident for decades- not just in the social aspects of society. The middle class has been shrinking for years, and inflation continues to crush ordinary families as the cost of living soars. Many families can simply not afford to pay their bills, as the cost of groceries and other basic necessities has risen sharply. Many people are simply giving up- and a recent poll shows that almost half of the country believes the American dream is dead.
Many Americans simply believe the system is failing them. Technology continues to advance, and one major threat to the fiscal stability of Americans everywhere is Artificial Intelligence. As the nation moves towards becoming a “cashless” society (cash is becoming obsolete and at many places like sports arenas, concert venues, and others it is no longer accepted as a form of payment), risks associated with digital finances become more apparent. An ongoing craze in the digital financial realm is cryptocurrency; a report by Breitbart alleges that thefts in this regard surged to 1.38 billion dollars in the first half of 2024 alone. Ultimately, time will tell what occurs.