Man Wins Custody of Child After Mom Tried to Raise Son Non-Binary

A California man has won a long-lasting legal battle to gain full custody of his young son, sparing the child from being raised “non-binary” by his mother. 

32-year-old Harrison Tinsley is one of many American parents who have found themselves faced with the horrifying reality that someone is telling their child they are the opposite gender (or no gender at all). In this case, the person pushing left-wing gender ideology on a four-year-old was his own mother. 

Tinsley, who is the father of young Sawyer but is not married to the boy’s mother, has been fighting for custody for well over a year, citing concerns for his son’s safety and well-being. Finally, he has attained victory in his efforts, which he said are motivated by the reality that Sawyer is a boy and “wants to be” one.

The young child “adamantly expresses” his male identity, according to his father, and “gets very upset” if people indicate “anything to the contrary.” Tinsley described efforts to “push” gender ideology on children as “just insane,” noting that kids should instead be able to “be happy with” their true, biological identity.

The single father also likened the long-awaited legal victory to “watching a miracle,” saying it is “a pretty wonderful feeling” to “achieve” something that you “fight” for “so hard.” Tinsley shared his desire to continue working to help enable others to “protect children,” describing the fight against gender ideology as “the battle of our lifetime.”

Full custody of Sawyer was granted to Tinsley after an “incident” occurred. Though no details about the event were shared, San Francisco Child Protective Services (CPS) reportedly intervened and, “put[ting] politics aside,” Tinsley said they acted in the best interest of the boy.

The father gained national attention in 2023 when his plight became known to the public, endearing citizens who are tired of the woke ideologies being pushed onto innocent youth. At the time, Sawyer (then three years old) spent half his time with his mother, Tinsley’s ex-girlfriend. The then 30-year-old woman reportedly identified her impressionable son with “they/them” pronouns and put him in dresses and makeup.

Tinsley’s relationship with her ended after she became pregnant, leaving him with a desire to be in his child’s life even though they were no longer a couple. However, he wasn’t told that Sawyer was born until he was a week old. The lack of acknowledgment of his fatherly rights led to a court battle that lasted over a year.

Tinsley was eventually permitted to meet his son, who was 15 months old at the time, during which his father also tried to have his name legally added to Sawyer’s. Tinsley then decided to move to the Bay Area in San Francisco, hoping for a chance to obtain joint custody of the child.

The ruling which permitted 50-50 custody between the two parents sparked backlash from Sawyer’s mother, resulting in ongoing tension that included safety concerns and restraining orders. Tinsley said at the time that he was willing to “do anything” to protect his son and give him a chance to be “happy with who he is.” He was also determined to provide hope and inspiration to other parents in “similar situations.”

News of Tinsley’s custody victory comes amid the signing of a radical California law which prohibits school districts from mandating that staff inform parents if their children “identify” with a gender that opposes their biology. Approved by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom—who is notorious for his unhinged support of left-wing gender ideology—the law is the first of its kind to be passed in any of the 50 states.