Presidential News

Presidential Daily provides updates and analyses of current events via our Presidential News category. We are a sentinel for government overreach issues and consider it our mission to inform everyday Americans about when their rights are being threatened.

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AI Apps That ‘Nudify’ Women Soar In Popularity

Thanks to AI advancements, deepfakes—images created by the tech that make women look nude while wearing clothing—are becoming more popular. Researchers from Graphika, a...

Trump Rails Against Special Counsel For SCOTUS Move

Special counsel Jack Smith’s office on December 11 bypassed the federal appeals court and asked the US Supreme Court to take up the question...

Texas Takes Historic Action Against Illegal Immigrants

The state of Texas has started to arrest illegal immigrants who are attempting to cross the border into the U.S. from Mexico. On Monday, Republican...

MAGA Prisoner Is Now Running For Congress

In West Virginia, Derrick Evans once held a position of power as a lawmaker. However, his journey took an unexpected turn when he found...

Disturbing Study Sounds Alarm On Plastic Cutting Boards

The air and food we breathe contain microscopic pieces of plastic called microplastics. Worries over their possible health effects stem from the fact that...

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